For those of you who keep track of your website’s stats, you’ll know that the percentage of mobile based traffic has been steadily increasing and is now as much as 50% for many websites.
This coincides with many people watching TV each evening while also browsing the internet with a tablet or for commuters with increasing generous mobile data from Telcos browsing websites on the train or bus.
Google has taken notice and will be rolling out a mobile focused algorithm update from April 21st.
This will massively impact websites that are not mobile friendly.
Google reasons that their stats support the fact that most users visiting a non-mobile friendly website on their tablet or smart phone will not stay on that site long at all because they are getting a poor user experience.
How to check to see if your website is mobile-friendly?
Go to the Google Mobile-Friendly Test website and enter your website address. The test takes about 30 seconds and you’ll get a simple pass or a fail. If you site is failed, it will list reasons why Google does not consider the website mobile-friendly.
What if your website fails the mobile-friendly test?
You’ll need to move quickly to ensure your website complies otherwise you will lose a huge amount of traffic and sales or enquiries as a result.
The best solution is to have the code of the public facing pages of the website updated to be responsive. Responsive websites as the name implies, respond to the device the website is being viewed on. Essentially it acts like an accordion, stretching out or compressing columns to be readable on a computer, tablet or smart phone. All while keeping the text and images readable.
We can help make your website mobile-friendly.
Visit the test page and is your site fails, please get in contact to discuss options. We are currently extremely busy assisting clients to get their websites mobile-friendly.
Some are also due to the age of their websites, giving the site a refresh which is an excellent idea every 2 years or so, to keep your message fresh, to keep it updated, to ensure it has clear calls to action and that it employs the latest technology.
It’s all a part of the way natiive helps you get your online presence working for you.