5 Tips for Those Perfect Calls To Action That Really Convert

By November 3, 2014Online Marketing

If at all you are to gain from all the investment in a great website and perhaps even in search engine optimization, social media campaigns, and all activities meant to generate traffic to your site, you must use effective calls to action on your website. It is one of the vital components of your website landing page optimization, because it tells your audience exactly what action you want them to take when on your site. So, how can you generate a good call to action?

Focus on the Main Action You Want Your Visitors to Take

Start by figuring out what you want your traffic to do once on your site or landing page? Do you want them to call your business, click the link to the offer page, send you a mail, or sign up to receive a price quote? Then, choose the one most important thing you want every website visitor to do, and make this the centre of your call to action. For instance, most small and media size business use a “call us now button” as their primary focus of their call to action.

Plan the Functionality & Format

Based on the main action you want your traffic to take, you call to action can take different forms. It could be a call out with text emphasizing a phone number you want them to dial, a button for a form you want visitors to fill, a button with a link that leads your traffic to another page, or to open email to start the buying process. Whatever action you choose to use for your CTA, make sure to plan its format and functionality to suit that particular activity.

Keep it Short & Simple

If you want to use an effective call to action on your website, make sure it is short and simple. A CTA is not the place to be gimmicky, clever or wordy. Instead, go direct to the point. Use compelling verbs such as contact, Get, Call, Talk, Etc. Some phrases that make a great call to action include;

· Contact Us

· Get a quote

· Call now and more.

Emphasize its Importance

Your CTA should be a prominent feature of your site. Ideally, it should be the most emphasized component of your landing page or home page. It should be strategically located at the top of the page so that it is the first thing visitors to your site see. It is also wise to locate your call to action on the right side of your website since this is where natural eye movements of your visitors tend to direct them. Other factors you should consider in your attempt to emphasize your call to action include:

· Adding a compelling image that rhymes with your site

· Make it sufficiently big to stand out as important on your site

· Use a legible font rather than decorative ones.

Lastly, add a sense of urgency.

For instance use a phrase such as: Time is running out! Offer is about to Expire! This helps persuade the leader to take your desired action without postponing and possibly never coming back.

Well, these are the tips we have to help you use an effective call to action on your website. If you have more tips you would like to share, feel free to add your comments in the box below. You are also welcome to share, tweet, or like this post on social media.

About Andrew K

Andrew Kilkenny is director at natiive. He has 20 years of Information Technology experience in eCommerce and Robotic Process Automation systems in the corporate environment and has a passion for helping businesses grow their online web presence. He gets a kick out of helping people maximise their web presences and getting their websites really working for them.