At the mention of a blog to many business owners we see their eyes fast glaze over. It all sounds too hard and time consuming and it’s not as if you’ll get anything from the investment of time?
Well think again, we see many customers really flourishing in tough times because of a company blog or news addition to their website.
So why should your company have an active blog?
It Positions You as an Expert
A blog gives you the opportunity to write about the latest trends in your industry. It may be the latest products or services, maybe it the latest solutions. You could write about tips and tricks.
It then gives people searching for those sorts of solutions the opportunity to visit your page and to be helped to see where to apply your expertise in their lives etc.
Writing about these things provides so much more than a simple boring brochure style website that never changes and only talks about you.
It Positions You Ahead of Your Competitors
Similar to the above point, but if your competitors have an old boring website that never changes (and might make people think even that they’re out of business…), but you have a modern website with information that’s constantly updated – who do you think they’ll choose when it comes time to purchase?
A blog gives you the opportunity to show you are in touch with the latest industry trends and are open and willing to be helpful (you decide how much to giveaway of course). A paint supply business could blog about the latest paint solutions, how to paint, tips & tricks, they might even use videos to assist. Who do you think customers will choose? Even if said paint store is a touch more expensive?
Google Loves Content
One of the most important reasons, Google LOVES content. Blogging about different areas of your business gives you the opportunity to target different keywords across posts. Collectively too you show Google what your business is about and that you are an expert – they can work this out and rank you accordingly.
Google also loves fresh content, so this is the easiest way to provide new information for Google and other Search Engines to crawl through.
We have proven with our own website that when we blog regularly our rankings rise, if we go quiet for a little while they drop a position or two until we blog again.
Broadcast a Post on Social Media
When you have posted your latest blog, don’t leave it there – use Social Media to get it out there. By posting a link along with a brief leading paragraph as to what your latest blog is about you are interacting with potential customers and followers who may be reminded to come back to you.
Likewise “Social Signals” or likes etc gained via Social Media are increasing in Search Ranking weight with Google – it’s a measure of popularity and trust. So it’s a big reason to blog and link.
Blogs Can Generate Leads
Following the above advice, building trust with your audience, gets you leads – especially if each page has a clear, but not in your face, call to action.
So what can you blog about?
The best advice we can give is to sit down with your staff and brainstorm the top 10 most frequently asked questions that you get from potential customers.
You can do more of course, but these top 10 give you your first 10 blog entries that you can write about and answer. Then if people call, why not direct them to your website for a full answer to their question.
Aim to do one a month, it’s not that hard.
This blog is about 600 words and took 15 minutes to write, so there are no excuses and you will benefit from having a blog.
Contact us today if you’d like to discuss adding a blog to your website. We can assist with brainstorming ideas for blog articles and also how to post to Social Media.